Monday, February 21, 2011


Well, last you heard, I'd accomplished quite a bit. All my veggie beds were nicely mulched, among other things. Then came the wind, which was insane for about 24 hours. 30mph winds, 60mph gusts, for over 24 hours. I mulch my veggies with straw, so although some of it stayed pretty well, at least one bed was stripped bare, and my entire backyard now has a yellow glaze.

Worse, I left a 10 gal bucket that I use as a trashcan sitting out in the yard, full of pots, broken glass, old bits of soaker hose and weed barrier, construction scraps from the greenhouse, and other assorted debris. Someone was kind enough to gather up most of it and put it under my propane tank. The rest of it I gathered from the next 4 neighbors' yards into a large contractor bag. Sigh. How embarrassing. I saw my bucket tucked in behind a neighbor's utility trailer at the back of his yard, looking as if it'd been put there purposely. A small price to pay if he was the one who gathered up the rest of the trash for me, so I left it there. Times like this, I almost wish I knew my neighbors a little, but I don't. We've lived here for almost 8 years and I don't even know their names. I would've liked to apologize, but I don't know who to apologize to. So I've said nothing, for now (I haven't seen any of my neighbors since the wind came and went anyway) but next time I see him out mowing, I'll stop him if I get a chance, just in case.

And tomorrow, I guess I'll go mulch again. I really didn't get anything done out there this weekend, thanks to the weather, and it was snowing on my way to work tonight. Craaaaaazy weather.

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