Wednesday, February 29, 2012


More Greenhouse Pics

Inside, and the diminished pile of gravel outside. Guess we'll truck the rest of it up to the driveway, although I'll probably leave a bit of a landing there too.

The racks are 8' and 4' sections. We've only got one of each in so far, but eventually there will be another set on top of these, and the same arrangement mirrored in the corner behind where I was standing when I took the photo. There are 3.5' wide doors set diagonally into the corners to the left and right of this view.

Crocus Lawn

It's a little hard to see (OK, I'm looking at it on my computer now and I don't see them at all), but they're starting to come out - this is from early morning, when they're closed. I'll have to get another in the afternoon.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bed Warmer

The cat, taking a break from critter patrol to keep the grapes warm - she's a stray that showed up last August while I was away at my annual Girls' Weekend vacation, and by the time I got home, Himself had already fed her a few times, and she was here to stay.


This is what weed barrier looks like after a season or two if you *don't* cover it over. I put another layer of weed barrier over it, then the 2nd photo is after I went around with shovels-full of gravel to cover over all the edges and seams so it wouldn't move when I started just throwing it from the door. Once I had an inch or two over everything, Himself got home from work and started REALLY shoveling, with a snow shovel. Then we leveled it out a little with a hoe and a hard rake, then put some of the racks in.

6 Tons

He told me one ton on the phone, but brought six. Oof. We put about four into the greenhouse floor, a good 4-5" deep layer.

First Black Widow Of The Year

In the greenhouse - trying to tidy the floor for imminent pea gravel delivery. Black widow came rolling out from between some old bricks. I left it alone, after verifying that it was alive, and it was gone by the time the gravel arrived, presumably to a new home somewhere in my garden.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Through the neighbor's tree.


Chamomile seeds, and where I planted them. The disrupted dirt behind them is the hole where my recently removed apple tree was. This area had the least organic matter in it (the tree used to shade it pretty well, so it's been a few years since it got a proper dose of compost) which is what the seed packet called for.

Chard and Mustard

Rainbow Chard seeds, Mustard seeds (which would not focus on my phone, no matter how I tried, but I wanted to plant seeds, not go find the real camera), and freshly planted seeds with a fresh layer of compost over them.


Wind Damage

We've been having crazy wind lately, and it damn near took a piece of my house off. I tucked it back in, but there are holes where some sort of fastener used to be, so I need to figure out what and replace them.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I shall plant outside.

20 Sq Ft of Spring

I now have a total of 4 crocuses blooming - 2 of each color. The other two photos are a sedum groundcover and a clump of irises. The iris photo posted upside down for some reason. My phone is psychotic.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spring is Springing!

The back side of the mailbox bed with various leftover perennial foliage, some hyacinths starting to sprout near the mailbox and in the culvert ditches, and my first crocus.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Anticipation Is Killing Me

I have a feeling these are going to come up in a wave across the yard since it took me weeks to plant all 2000. These are from the first few I planted.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Burn, Baby, Burn

This is the collection of bagworms we snipped off, and their disposal.

Praying Mantis Egg Sacs

Working on more yard stuff, which included pulling weeds and plucking bagworms. These are some of the praying mantis egg sacs we saw - the ones that were on weeds or in one case, on my blackberry brambles, we carefully snipped loose and relocated into the white pines, which is where the majority of them were anyway. I have a feeling I'm going to have tons of beneficial insects in my yard this year. :)